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Reducing Shipping Costs With a Shipping Software Solution

Shipping costs are a substantial burden on ecommerce profitability, especially with an increasing percentage of Americans making online purchases.

Key costs associated with shipping

  • Carrier rates: Often the largest expense, particularly for SMBs
  • Returns: A significant cost driver for both SMBs and larger businesses
  • Lost parcels: Adds up to overall shipping expenses
  • Customer assistance: Managing customer queries related to shipping
  • Technology and infrastructure: Necessary for efficient shipping operations

Competitive shipping rates and reliable delivery are crucial for customer retention and loyalty. Survey found that 48% of shoppers abandoned their carts due to high shipping costs. Furthermore, maintaining consistent service levels across regions and meeting customer expectations for fast delivery are challenges that ecommerce players often face.

The urgent need to reduce shipping costs

In the competitive ecommerce landscape, reducing shipping costs is crucial for retaining customers and maintaining profitability. Shipping software tools can be of great help by optimizing carrier choices, streamlining returns, and automatizing shipping processes. These tools also enable businesses to negotiate better rates by consolidating shipping volumes and leveraging multi-carrier management capabilities.

Benefits of shipping software

  • Cost optimization: Better carrier rate negotiations and efficient process automation
  • Operational efficiency: Reducing manual labor costs and improving overall shipping operations
  • Enhanced customer satisfaction: Faster and more reliable delivery, leading to improved customer loyalty

Embracing shipping software tools like ShipAccel can give ecommerce players a competitive edge by reducing costs and improving service quality. Discover today how ShipAccel can transform your shipping strategy and help you achieve substantial savings and growth.


Whether you are a small business looking to streamline your shipping process or a large enterprise in need of robust shipping solutions, ShipAccel provides the tools and features necessary to enhance shipping efficiency and profitability. By choosing ShipAccel, businesses can not only reduce their shipping costs but also improve their overall operational workflow, leading to a stronger, more competitive market position.

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